“I’m a photographer.” Am I?

The story dates back to the time when we were toddlers in the field of photography. Holding a camera for the first time, we were content to document a family vacation or a road trip and think of ourselves as photographers. Gradually, we took a step towards the world of photography by introducing ourselves to photo magazines and social networking platforms like Instagram to view the works of eminent photo-artists; just to realize how liliputian we were when compared with the Brobdingnagian photographs that we saw and admired. The only question that stuck in our heads was— what did we do wrong, or rather, which keynote did they strike right to produce such brilliance?

Thus began the journey of our photographic education. After years of learning and practical experiences, we finally feel confident enough to pass on our knowledge to people who, too, are eager to learn about the basics of photography. We’ve divided our contents in three segments:-

  1. HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY: To know about the origin and development of photographs, camera, and the works of legendary photo-artists over the years.
  2. COLOUR THEORY: To have an idea about the different tones that play a major part in conveying the message or mood of the photograph.
  3. COMPOSITION THEORY: To construct an image in a manner which makes it visually soothing, brings out its inner beauty and narrates a strong message.

All are welcome to view our website. If you like our work, do let us know. You can also follow us on Instagram to check out our works and give us your valuable feedback.

Photographically Yours,

Ankit Saha and Uddipta Banerjee.





mail us at : saha.ankit15@gmail.com or udips252@gmail.com

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